Paleo Chili (2024)

Paleo chili

Need a bowl of warm chili but are on a paleo diet? Do not be afraid! You can stick to your diet rules while still enjoying Paleo chili, which is full of taste and filling. This guide tells you everything you need to know to make a tasty paleo chili, from picking the right ingredients to learning how to cook them perfectly.

This complete guide will teach you how to make a pot of paleo chili that will please your taste buds and be good for your body, no matter how long you’ve been following the paleo diet or are just starting to learn about it.

What is Paleo chili?

Paleo chili is a rich stew that has been changed to fit the Paleo diet. Beans, legumes, and grains are not on this list because they are separate from an accurate paleo diet. Instead, it focuses on paleo-friendly, protein-rich foods like meat, vegetables, and healthy fats to make a tasty and filling chili.

Building Your Paleo Chili: Essential Ingredients

Here’s a breakdown of the key ingredients that form the base of a delicious paleo chili:

  • Protein Source: Ground beef, ground turkey, shredded chicken, and sausage (ensure it’s sugar-free for paleo compliance) are all popular choices.
  • Vegetables: Bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, zucchini, butternut squash, and tomatoes are some excellent options. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your favorites!
  • Healthy Fats: Avocado oil, olive oil, or coconut oil can be used for sauteing vegetables and adding richness to the chili.
  • Broth: Bone or vegetable broth adds depth of flavor and essential nutrients.
  • Cili powder, cumin, smoked paprika, oregano, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper are classic chili spices. Feel free to adjust the amount to your desired level of heat.
  • Tomato Products: Diced tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, or tomato paste provide the chili’s signature tangy flavor base.

Cooking Up Paleo Chili: Step-by-Step Guide

Are you ready to cook? Here are the steps you need to take to make the best paleo chili

  • Sauté the Aromatics: Heat the healthy fat of your choice in a big pot or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add the chopped onions and cook them until they get soft and transparent. 
  • Color the protein:
    • Add the ground meat or other protein source you choose and cook until it turns brown.
    • Use a spoon to break it up as it cooks.
    • Get rid of any extra fat. 
  • Adding the veggies: Put in the chopped veggies and cook for a few minutes to make them softer. 
  • Spice it up: Add other spices, like cumin, pepper powder, smoked paprika, etc. To get the herbs’ smells out, toast them for 30 seconds. 
  • Soup Time: Add your soup of choice and make sure it covers everything. For a more spicy taste, add tomato paste or diced tomatoes. 
  • Simmer and Season: Bring the chili to a boil, then lower the heat and let it simmer for at least an hour or until the veggies are soft and the flavors have mixed. Add pepper and salt to taste. 
  • Thickeners: You can mash some of the cooked veggies or add a cornstarch slurry near the end of cooking if you’d like your chili to be thicker. 
Paleo chili
#Paleo chili

Serve and have fun! Pour your paleo chili into bowls and top with your favorite toppings, such as chopped avocado, cilantro, sour cream (for a paleo-friendly option, use full-fat coconut milk yogurt), or shredded cheese (if your paleo plan allows dairy).

Paleo Red Chili

Many people think of the familiar hot red bowl that goes with slow-cooked boldness and a slight burn in the back of the throat when they think of chili. Here’s how to make a paleo-friendly version, sure to please.

Ingredients for a Paleo Red Chili Base

Start with the grass-fed ground meat you choose, and then add onions, garlic, and bell peppers to build the taste. Tomatoes are chopped or made into a paste, and flavor and thickness are added without using other thickeners.

Spicing It Up the Paleo Way

Paleo chili is perfectly spiced with peppers like ancho, chipotle, and cayenne. It would help to have cumin, paprika, and oregano for that strong chili taste that builds up over a slow simmer.

Making Paleo Red Chili thicker and more crumbly

When you make regular chili, the beans thicken and give it texture. But when you make paleo chili, you can use starchy veggies like sweet potatoes or butternut squash to make it heartier. Finely chopped mushrooms are an excellent alternative for a more classic taste.

White Chicken Paleo Chili

A white chicken chili is the best paleo comfort food for people who want a milder, more soothing bowl that doesn’t give up any depth. This choice is smooth and creamy and cools things down while adding a new flavor.

The Protein and Broth Base

The protein star of this dish is high-quality chicken, which can be shredded or chopped. A rich chicken broth forms the base of the chili.

Incorporating Creaminess, Paleo-Style

Cauliflower or cashew cream pureed can be used instead of dairy to make the mix rich. These additions not only give the food the right texture, but they also add healthy fats and extra vitamins and minerals.

Adding Depth with Zippy Spices

This chili is just as fragrant even though it doesn’t try to be red like most do. Add cumin, coriander, and oregano to the soup, and don’t be afraid to add a jalapeño or two for heat.

Sweet Potato and Beef Paleo Chili

Paleo Chili
#Paleo Chili

Combining sweet potatoes and beef is more than just a trend in a paleo chili recipe. It’s a great way to get the best of meaty and sweet tastes in a hearty, earthy broth.

Pairing the Meats and Veggies

For this recipe, the boldness of grass-fed beef pairs seamlessly with the natural sweetness of the sweet potatoes. To add a layer of complexity, consider including diced carrots and celery alongside the traditional chili vegetables.

The Dynamic Punch of Spices

Cinnamon might seem like a bad addition to chili, but in this dish, it balances out the heat of the cayenne pepper with a warm, sweet note. To give it more depth, add some cocoa powder. This will bring out the flavor of the beef and sweet potatoes.

Finding the Right Balance of Sweet and Heat

Even though sweet potatoes are naturally sweet, keeping the taste in check is essential. You can get the right balance of sweet, salty, and spicy by tasting as you go and making changes with a bit of apple cider vinegar.

FAQs Regarding Paleo Chili

Can I use beans in my paleo chili?

No, lentils and beans are not paleo-friendly. Alternative sources of protein and fiber, like meat, veggies, and nuts, are used in paleo chili.

What can I use to thicken my paleo chili?

Making your paleo soup thicker is possible without adding things that aren’t paleo, like cornstarch or flour. You can do any of these things: 

  • Mash some cooked vegetables: To do this, mash some of your cooked veggies, like butternut squash or zucchini, and add them back to the chili. This makes it thicker and gives it more taste. 
  • Use a cornstarch slurry (carefully): Be careful when using a cornstarch slurry. A cornstarch slurry can work if you are okay with following a slightly less strict Paleo diet. Mix a tablespoon of cornstarch with a few tablespoons of cold water to make a slurry. Slowly stir it into the chili that is already cooking until it gets the consistency you want. 
  • Simmer for longer: If you let your chili simmer for longer, the natural starches in the veggies will thicken the broth.

What are some paleo-friendly toppings for chili?

There are many delicious paleo-friendly toppings to elevate your chili:

  • Chopped avocado
  • Fresh cilantro
  • Coconut milk yogurt (full-fat, unsweetened) for a sour cream substitute
  • Shredded cheese (if dairy is tolerated in your paleo approach)
  • Chopped nuts or seeds for added crunch

Is store-bought paleo chili a healthy option?

Buying vegan chili from the store can be easy, but be sure to read the ingredients list carefully. Watch out for secret sugars, fillers, or too much sodium. Choose brands that use whole, well-known products. When you make your chili at home, you can choose exactly what goes into it and how much to serve.

What does paleo chili taste like compared to traditional chili?

Paleo chili tastes a lot like regular chili but has a slightly different texture because it doesn’t have any beans. It can be just as hearty and flavorful, with meat, vegetables, and spices adding depth to make a meal that is both filling and comforting.

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