Paleo Or Keto – Which Is The Way To Go?

Keto vs Paleo Diet

Keto vs Paleo Diet! These diets have increased in popularity in recent times. Both share similarities, but there are some key differences between them, and these differences may determine which diet is better for you.

This article delves into the details of both diets, highlighting their similarities and differences to help you make an informed decision about which one best suits your needs.

The Keto Diet

The ketogenic (keto) diet is a high-fat, low-carb, and moderate-protein diet primarily designed for weight loss. When following a regular diet, the body relies on carbohydrates for energy. However, with reduced carb intake, the body begins to utilize fat for energy, triggering a state known as ‘ketosis.’ During ketosis, the liver converts stored fat into ketones, which serve as an energy source, leading to rapid weight loss.

On a keto diet, the ideal macronutrient distribution is approximately 70-80% fat, 20-25% protein, and only 5-10% carbohydrates. This diet is known for its strict restrictions, including the exclusion of many foods. The limited carbohydrates permitted in the keto diet must come from sources like leafy greens and small amounts of fruits such as berries, with grains and legumes strictly off-limits.

Also Read – Different Types Of Keto Diet

Paleo Diet 

The Paleolithic (paleo) diet focuses on foods that humans would eat during the Stone Age.

The Caveman Diet (paleo), focuses on foods available during the Stone Age, aiming to eliminate modern processed foods. It excludes highly processed foods, dairy, grains, and legumes. The diet promotes the consumption of ample animal protein and encourages the intake of healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, butter, and nut oils.

Also Read – 8 Best Paleo Recipes for Weight Loss!

Similarities Between The Keto vs Paleo Diet

The keto vs paleo diet advocates for the exclusion of highly processed foods and limits or eliminates foods that are often considered healthy, such as grains and legumes. They emphasize obtaining protein from animal-based sources, incorporating healthy fats, and including specific vegetables in the diet.

Additionally, both diets exclude highly processed foods, sugars, and sweeteners like corn syrup and agave nectar. Notably, they recommend a lower carbohydrate intake compared to traditional diets, in contrast to the guidelines provided by organizations like the National Institute of Health and the American Heart Association.

Differences Between Keto vs Paleo Diet

While there are overlaps, several differences set these “keto vs paleo diet” apart:

Processed Meat: The paleo diet excludes all processed meats, whereas the keto diet permits certain processed meats as long as they are free of sugar or excessive carbohydrates. This includes some types of bacon and sausage.

Sugar and Sweeteners: The keto diet is extremely restrictive concerning sugar and sweeteners, prohibiting honey, maple syrup, and items containing natural sugar or fructose. In contrast, the paleo diet allows some natural sweeteners, such as honey, coconut sugar, stevia, and sucralose.

Starchy Vegetables: The keto diet is more restrictive regarding certain starchy vegetables due to their carbohydrate content, which can hinder ketosis. The paleo diet, however, allows these starchy vegetables in moderation, including sweet potatoes, carrots, and beets.

Dairy: The keto diet permits dairy consumption if it is high in fat and low in sugar. In contrast, the paleo diet excludes all forms of dairy since our Stone Age ancestors did not consume it, including cheese, cream, milk, and other dairy products.

Which Diet Is Right For You?

Both the keto and paleo diets can be effective for weight loss when followed correctly. However, the paleo diet offers more flexibility and freedom in food choices, making it suitable for those who prefer less restrictive dietary plans.

On the other hand, the keto diet demands meticulous tracking of macronutrients to achieve and maintain ketosis, making it a better fit for individuals comfortable with a stricter regimen.

Therefore, for those who would struggle with something too restrictive, the paleo diet would be best.

Final Thoughts | Keto vs Paleo Diet

In conclusion, both diets can be effective for short-term weight loss, though further research is needed to assess their long-term effects. Your choice should align with your lifestyle, preferences, and ability to adhere to the dietary restrictions imposed by each plan.

Neha Pant

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